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Permanent Makeup


  • Anyone under the age of 18

  • Allergic to anesthesia, pigmentation and makeup

  • High blood pressure or heart conditions

  • Taking blood-thinners such as aspirin or similar medication

  • Diabetes

  • Pregnant, breastfeeding or lactating

  • Glaucoma

  • Herpes simplex

  • Certain skin conditions e.g. rashes, blisters, psoriasis, or eczema

  • Bacterial or viral infection

  • Taking steroids such as cortisone, Accutane, Retin-A or Renova

  • Acute acne in the treatment area

  • Susceptibility to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • Hypertrophic scarring or keloids

  • Spider veins or a birthmark in the area they want to be treated

  • Blood disorder e.g. sickle cell anemia, haemophilia, or a platelet disorder

  • Anyone who has been treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy in the last 45 days

Pre Treatment

  • STRICTLY avoid blood thinners, such as caffeine, alcohol and blood thinning medications at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. This includes coffee, caffeinated tea, pre-work, alcoholic beverages, pain killers, and other blood thinning medication. Failure to do so will cause excessive bleeding during the procedure which will result in poor retention, poor healed results and possibly longer procedure time. Blood thinners can also heighten your sensitivity during the procedure and promote sensitivity and discomfort. 

  • Any waxing, tinting or eyelash perming should be done 48 hours prior to your treatment.

  • Avoid any sun exposure for at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment. and until the healing process has completed. This includes sunbathing, tanning etc.

  • Avoid using strong skincare that contains retinol/retinoids, vitamin A, AHAs, etc. on the skin for 2 weeks prior to your appointment and 2 weeks after the appointment.

  • Avoid Botox in the treatment area for 4 weeks prior to the appointment. Botox takes about 2-4 weeks to settle.

  • Avoid facials 2 weeks prior to the appointment and 2 weeks after the appointment. This includes harsh/strong facials such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser facials, etc. Strong facials will cause the skin to be sensitive.

  • Avoid facial oils around the treatment area week before the appointment. Excessive oils may result in poor healed results and extended appointment time.

  • Avoid exercising the day of the appointment and minimize water intake 3 hours prior to the appointment. Exercising and large intakes of water can thin out your blood.

Post Treatment

Day 1​

  • Right away when you get home from your appointment, press on the brows gently every half hour for the next 4 hours (so 8 times). You are eliminating weeping (excess oil, blood, ink, sweat, sebum) coming from your brow.

  • Pat them GENTLY with the sterile water wipes. NO RUB AND TUG

  • Keep doing this for the first day and the day after the procedure. By doing this you are reducing the chances of your brows scabbing which hinders the healing process and pigment retention.


DAY 1 -10

 Starting the evening after the day of the procedure and continuing for the next 7-10 days. Twice a day, Morning and Night to follow the aftercare as below:

  • "Wash" them GENTLY with the sterile water twice per day, morning and night. GENTLY roll the Q-tip back and forth, for about 10-15 seconds through the brow to get it clean. NEVER be forceful or push hard on the brow as that could cause problems.

  • Make sure you blot them completely dry with a clean tissue after washing. Allow NO WATER to collect or sit in the brow area as you want them to be nice and dry.

  • Apply the aftercare product provided to your eyebrow morning and night. A very small amount (size of a grain of rice) to each brow with a Q-tip (DO NOT use your finger). Make sure the brows are dry before putting on the aftercare products. If you have more oily skin then you may not need to use this or very little. 

  • Do not overdo it with the aftercare product and treat like a chapstick! Too much will not allow the brows to breath anf heal correctly.


Critical to avoid the following for 14 days after your procedure!

  • DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring and pigment loss.

  • COMPLETELY avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4 weeks after your procedure. Direct sunlight can cause the pigment to change color while it is healing and can also cause hyper pigmentation and scarring.

  • Avoid pool, sauna, steam rooms, hot showers and/or hot bath for 3 weeks.

  • Avoid sweating for a full 10 days. Any physical effort, gym, hot weather, any other activity that may cause sweating through or on the brows will expel pigment from the dermis producing poor results

  • Avoid sleeping on your face/brows for the first 10 days.

  • Keep your bangs and hair pulled back from your face for the first 10 days.

  • NO makeup or skincare products to be used on the treated area for two weeks.

  • NO facials, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

  • NO Botox for 4 weeks. We recommend that it's best to wait until after your touch up heals to get Botox, as an educated injector will take your new brows into consideration when choosing where to inject.

  • After 10 days, once the are has healed completely, consider using sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the color from fading.



Beautiful Results.

Personalized Care.


1115 Broadway

11th FL, Suite 1140

New York, NY 10010

Tel: 646-770-0090

Opening Hours

Mon: 10am - 6pm

Tue: Closed

Wed: 10am - 6pm

Thr: 2:30pm - 8pm

Fri:10am - 8pm​​

Sat: 10am - 6pm

Sun: Closed


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